Photos by Mayra Fuentes
Photos by Mayra Fuentes

Zamir Omaid (for Cosumnes River Athletics)

Last week, the CRC Hawks won all three conference games against the Sac City Panthers. It was a great triple win series that should beef up the Hawks' morale while closing in at the end of the conference games series.

Now, the Hawks face #1 in the Northern California region, The San Joanquin Delta Mustangs. According to the Coach's Poll at the California Community College Baseball Coaches Association, the Mustangs are leading the Northern California Region with 31 wins and 2 loses. The Mustangs got that second lose by playing our team. Way to go, Hakws! Respect all, fear none!

Conference games 7,8, and 9 were also a grand sweep for the Hawks against American River College Beavers in the week of March 24 to 28. The Hawks' scores are as impressive as usual winning 10-4, 10-3 and 3-2 in the respective conference games.

The Santa Rosa Bear Cubs also played and lost to the CRC Hawks in the next week of March 31 to April 4. They lost two games out of three in conference games 10,11 and 12. Respectively, the Hawks lost to the Bea Cubs in the firsr game with a 10-5 loss but won the subsequent games, 5-4 and 2-1.

In the week of April 8 to April 11, the CRC Hawks were up against the Diablo Valley Vikings in conference games 13,14, and 15. The first game was great. The Hawks won two to nothing because all it takes is all you've got! The second game was a close one and the Hawks lost it to the Vikings, 6-5. Attitude is everything because that loss didn't keep the Hawks from winning the third game in double digits, 12-4!

Then, came the grand sweep with the Sac City Panthers mentioned earlier. The triple win was played with great teamwork! In the week of April 14 to 17, the Hawks won conference games 16 with a 12-4 lead, 17 with a 12-8 lead and 18 with a 9-4 lead. This series against Sac City was won strategically and it shows in the box scores. The scores for the number of hits (10, 14, and 9), the runs batted in (11,9, and 7), the number of doubles (2,3,and 2), and the number of triples (2,0, and 1) are among the highest in any thress-game series against any of the teams in the Northern California Conference Games series. Way to step up, Hawks!

Now, let's cheer for the Hawks on Thursday, april 23rd, to win a second game against the San Joaquin Delta Vikings! Thursday's game will be hosted at CRC. You don't want to miss this!