Volleyball vs. Lassen Community College

CRC Drops Game One Against Santa Rosa

CRC Drops Game One Against Santa Rosa

SACRAMENTO (4-2) - Hawks lose to Santa Rosa in series opener. Bear Cubs rally late to win.

Santa Rosa was coming off Big 8 conference win over American River College. Cosumnes River had played and lost a Big 8 conference game to Diablo Valley College.

Hawks started with Kyle Galart on the mound. Galart threw 7 1/3 innings. Galart was strong through 7 full innings until needing relief. Joe Pankratz followed Galart on the mound. Joe Pankratz got the loss. Devin Kirby was the winning pitcher for Santa Rosa.

JD Mico was the offensive leader for the Hawks. Mico went 3x5 with an RBI and scored twice. Griffin Selby, Alex Crouch, Brett Graber, and Jeremy Kolb all had two hits on the day.

Hawks and Bear Cubs continue this Big 8 series tomorrow at Cosumnes River College, Conway field 2:30pm.