Volleyball vs. Lassen Community College

Hawks Unload The Bats on Lassen College

Hawks Unload The Bats on Lassen College

Sacramento, CA

The Hawks reloaded their bats as they pounded 27 hits in two game against Lassen College to score 27 runs by defeating Lassen 19-4 an 8-0 in a double header at CRC Stadium.

Game 1 saw The Hawks put up 14 hits while scoring 19 runs. Baylee Hirtel, Miranda Rodriguez, Cecilia Rivera, Chelsea Martinez, and Alexus Acosta each had multiple hits. Martinez, Hirtel, and Rivera each had multiple RBIs as well while in enroute to a 19-4 win in 5 innings.

Ashleigh Berg got the win for The Hawks by going 5 innings giving up 7 hits, striking out 2, and allowing 3 earned runs.

In game 2, Chelsea Martinez threw a 5 hit shutout and Baylee Hirtel went 3 for 4 for the second time on the day with another 2 RBIs to take the win 8-0 in 6 innings. Lindsay Lambert also went 3 for 4 with 1 RBI in the game.

On the day, Baylee Hirtel hit .750 and picked up 4 RBIs, Cecilia Rivera Hit .500 and 3 RBIs, Chelsea Martinez hit .500 and picked up 5 RBIs, and Lindsay Lambert hit .571 with 1 RBI.

The Hawks will take their 9-3 record back into conference play Saturday when they host Delta College at CRC Stadium for a double header. Game 1 is scheduled to start at 12:00.

Fans can follow along on GameChanger.